Attitude of Gratitude

Even in the midst of adversity, shock and confusion, an attitude of gratitude and gratefulness can bring you peace  Be present, live in the moment and look for the simplest blessings in life that brings you joy and light. #inspire #motivate #attitudeofgratitude #liveyourbestlife #eyeswideopen #glasshalffullattitude


Are You Dreaming?

We all have hopes and dreams.  But how many of us are actually taking the steps to live out those dreams?   What’s holding you back? Is the fear of failure crippling you? Are you crippled by your own fear of success? Is the hard work that it will take giving you pause? Are the…


Sunday Peace: A Rainbow In The Clouds

“Be a Rainbow in Someone’s Else’s Cloud”–Maya Angelou Tomorrow I plan to see someone I know is going through a major life challenge.  She’s facing decisions she never thought she would ever have to make.  I feel her pain and sorrow.  My heart aches for her.  There is not much I can do or say…


Real Barbie Dolls For Our Girls

Last week, Mattel announced that Barbie is getting a makeover.  Over 30 new Barbie dolls are now available for purchase through Mattel’s website, in three new body types: petite, tall and curvy.  The new Barbie dolls will also come in 7 skin tones, 22 eye colors and 24 hairstyles. The original Barbie debuted in 1959.  The…


Be The Change You Desire

On January 14, 2016, the Oscar nominations were announced by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Unfortunately and perhaps not surprising, for the second year in a row, no actors of color were nominated for any Oscar awards. Mrs. Jada Pinkest Smith, a well known actress, director, producer, singer, wife to actor Will…


Sunday Peace: Living With Regret

In the last issue of Sunday Peace, we focused on Advice When Making Major Life Decisions.  Today we will discuss bad decisions and living with regret.  As a physician, I have the privilege to meet people from all different walks of life. Patients share their most intimate details of their lives with me.  One of the…


Your Weight Doesn’t Define You

In October 2015, Oprah Winfrey purchased a 10% stake in Weight Watchers.  She is now a Weight Watchers member, as well as a spokesperson.  In time for the 2016 new year, Weight Watchers launched a series of commercials featuring Oprah.  One commercial in particular is gaining a lot of attention because of a statement Oprah made about…


Holiday Spirit

Tis the season. Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. The festive atmosphere is full of holiday lights, colorful decorations, joyous music and children laughing. It’s a season of giving and generosity. The best type of giving is when you can give to someone without expecting anything in return. This type of giving will enrich…
