Tis the season. Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. The festive atmosphere is full of holiday lights, colorful decorations, joyous music and children laughing. It’s a season of giving and generosity. The best type of giving is when you can give to someone without expecting anything in return. This type of giving will enrich your spirit and your life. This is especially important to remember because for some, the holidays can be a difficult time to navigate through. People who experience loss, personal hardship or stress can find the holidays especially challenging. If you know someone who is having a difficult time, reach out to that person. Give what you can and where you can. A simple hello, hug or “how are you” can make a big difference in someone’s life.
It’s so easy to get lost in the busyness of the holiday season. Make every effort to experience the joy and love of Christmas. Give freely and joyously. Merry Christmas!