Wellness Wednesday: Enjoy A Cool Refreshing Glass of Lemon-Cucumber-Mint Water

I recently went to a medical conference that served water that was spiced with lemons, cucumbers and mint. I was reaching for a glass every opportunity I had.  The “water cocktail” was delightfully tasteful, refreshing and invigorating.  I became curious. I had to research what it was about this lemon-cucumber-mint combination that made it so appealing.…

Wellness Wednesday: Get Your Veggies On

Vegetables are a great source of nutrients and provide multiple health benefits. Adding vegetables to your diet may reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.  Also, a diet high in vegetables helps you to lose weight and maintain weight loss. Nutrients and Health Benefits Most vegetables are naturally low in calories and are nutrient dense.…

Wellness Wednesday: Practice Portion Control If You Want To Lose Weight

Losing weight can be challegening especially when we fail to control our portions.  Here are some reasons we don’t control our portions: Lack of knowledge.  You never learned proper serving size Habit or cultural, it ‘s just how you grew up eating. Lack of self-control. We live in a society where meals are super-sized. Emotional eating.  When…