At some point in your life you may have had thoughts that what you have isn’t enough. You think “if only I had this or that, I would be happy.” Perhaps you’ve asked yourself questions such as:
- If only I had more money…
- If only I had a bigger house…
- If only I landed that promotion…
- If only I had a shorter commute to work…
- If only I could be as pretty as her…
- If only I could be thinner…
- If only I had more friends…
“If only” questions block your happiness and sense of peace. If you are always in a space of wanting more, you will ultimately feel less emotionally and spiritually. Keep in mind there is nothing wrong with wanting more out of life but when that want consumes you and you can’t appreciate what you have in the present you lose sight of what abundance you have already been blessed with. We all have our own unique paths laid out before us. For some of you the road may be easy street and for some of you the road may be winding and filled with hardship. Comparing yourself to others or feeling constantly dissatisfied with what you have robs you of the joy you deserve.
Having gratitude will help you put your thoughts and life into perspective. Being grateful for your family, your children, your health, your job, the wonders of nature or simply waking up to a new day are a few things to start being grateful for. Can you make a list of the things that you are grateful for? You may find that list is longer than your “if only” list. You may even get to a place where you learn to appreciate the hardships that you go through or have been through.
Gratitude can bring you from a space of disappointment and sadness to a space of acceptance and happiness.
by Marjorie Binette, MD