Happy 2019 everyone! As we ring in the new year, are you like me, asking yourself “where did 2018 go?” Many of the resolutions from one year ago may or may not have been realized. We may have experienced a detour or a momentary pause in the goals we set for ourselves. But guess what?, that is perfectly okay! The start of the new year is always a great opportunity to reflect on our wants, needs, hopes, dreams, and desires. Life happens, so be ready to reset at any time along your 2019 journey. Remember, many times the reset is where the magic happens.
The story of our lives is a book. 2019 is but one chapter in your story. Each day is a page. Ultimately, God is in control, but how we show up matters.
I have some lofty goals, but the common thread in all of them is that each one will require me to be present, intentional and mindful. What are your goals?
Now, can I get personal? I would love to share my 2019 goals with you, so here it goes:
1.Health is wealth. As a physician, it’s important for me to practice what I preach. My patients count on me for wellness and nutrition advice. But most importantly, eating healthy and being physically active, adds balance to my life. So for me, getting my health and endurance in check is a top priority.
2. Get more sleep. Sleep is critical for a healthy mind, body and spirit.
3. Travel. We all know life is short and unpredictable. Checking off one or two boxes on my travel bucket list will be a BIG WIN!
4. Live with more intention. I want to live with more intention and mindfulness in every area of my life, including my health, finances, professional and personal relationships.
5. Live in gratitude daily. Affirming my gratitude in all things, even the challenges helps me to remember the potential for victory on the other side of disappointment. Even in the midst of adversity, shock and confusion, an attitude of gratitude and gratefulness can bring you peace Be present, live in the moment and look for the simplest blessings in life that brings you joy and light.
6. Expect the unexpected. The end of 2018 and the start of 2019 happened for me at Majestic Life Church New Year’s Eve celebration and service. Pastor Riva Tims told us to “expect the unexpected.” God has a bigger plan for us than we know. Our job is to be ready to receive it. So this year, I will pray with more intention for God’s wisdom and guidance.
#2019goals #happynewyear #livewithintention