Move It Monday: Aging Too Fast? Lack Of Exercise and Poor Diet May Be To Blame, Study Finds

Let’s face it, we are all going to age.  How we age is the question?  Many factors contribute to aging, including genetics, illness, stress and lifestyle.  Genetics can’t be changed, but there are modifiable lifestyle factors that we are in control of.  New research from the Mayo Clinic found that poor diet and lack of exercise can…


The Link Between Your Cell Phone and Insomnia

Are you suffering from insomnia? Is the recommended eight hours of uninterrupted sleep eluding you?  If you answered yes, you should know that one potential cause of insomnia is your cell phone and/or other electronic devices.  Surfing the internet, connecting with social media apps and watching television before your bedtime can be detrimental to your health.…


FDA Approves First Drug For Sexual Desire Disorder In Women

In July 2015, the FDA approved Flibanserin (Addyi), a drug targeted for women who suffer from low sexual desire. For many years men have had multiple prescription medications to treat erectile dysfunction. Who hasn’t seen commercials for Viagra? Viagra was first approved in 1990 for treatment of male impotence.  And since then, there have been nine…
