Know Your Nutrition Label, Part 3: Carbohydrates, Sugar and Fiber.

Thus far in this series of Know Your Nutrition Label we discussed the macronutrient fat, today I will discuss another macronutrient,  carbohydrates. Carbohydrates have been collectively referred to as “carbs”  For many years “carbs” have become synonymous with unhealthy eating. In reality, carbohydrates are a necessary fuel,  it is the energy source that our bodies needs to…


It’s National Ice Cream Day 2015

Today is National Ice Cream Day.  Ice Cream is as American as apple pie.  Ice Cream is a tasty, pleasurable treat.  I’m sure we all have an all time favorite flavor. My favorite flavor is Rum Raisin, yummy. Also, I’m sure we all have fond memories of when we were children racing to the ice cream truck…
